Machine Learning Tutorial (VIII) Tiny Images Classification Competition

(Ray) Shirui Lu

Table of Contents


Where are we so far?

  • Working on different methods to classify hand written digits:
  • What we have tried:
    • LR(ML,MAP), kNN. (A1)
    • MLP. (A2)
    • MoG, PCA. (A3)

The State-of-the-art

[Rodrigo Benenson]

A real world challenge

  • CIFAR-10 Tiny Images Dataset
    • 60,000 32*32 RGB color images.
    • 10 object classes, 6,000 each.

A real world challenge (cont'd)

  • CIFAR-10 is tougher.
    • multi-class
    • bird7.png and bird10.png
    • horse2.png and horse9.png

A real world challenge (cont'd)

[Rodrigo Benenson]

Your Task


octave:1> load a4data
octave:2> whos
Variables in the current scope:

   Attr Name              Size                     Bytes  Class
   ==== ====              ====                     =====  ===== 
        data_nolabel  31800x3072                97689600  uint8
        data_test      1200x3072                 3686400  uint8
        data_train     3000x3072                 9216000  uint8
        labels_train   3000x1                       3000  uint8
  • Reduce sized CIFAR-10.
    • 6 categories: 0-airplane, 1-automobile, 2-bird, 3-cat, 4-deer, 5-dog.
    • Training: 3000 labeled images (500 each), 31800 unlabeled images.
    • Test: 1200 images.


  • Goal: Maximize accuracy on test set.
  • Restrictions
    • Any (supervised, unsupervised) model.
    • Any programming language. (Instruct us how to run!)
    • Any publicly available code. (Make sure you tell us!)
    • Work solo, or as a team of 2.


  • A Report (please see a4.pdf for detailed requirements)
  • Code and Data: Specially, include a script like run_prediction.m.
    • Input: an arbitrary size of input test data.
    • Process: Load you trained model, and run on input test set.
    • Output: it's corresponding predictions.
    • Shouldn't take more than 10 mins to run.

Kaggle (Demo: kNN Baseline)

  • Our Competition Home on Kaggle
  • [Important] Sign up with you email, or you won't get entry to it.
  • Upload your solution (label of the 1,200 test data) as csv format now and then to see how well your model performs.

Kaggle (cont'd)

  • Kaggle evaluates your solution.csv by comparing it line to line with solutions.csv (ground truth labels of test data) we provided.
  • Performance Measure
    • You resulting accuracy and ranking on leaderboard is shown real-time.
    • But based on 25% of the whole test data, performance on the other 75% is hidden from you.
    • Advice
      • Don't optimize for leaderboard performace, which is likely to overfit the 25% test data. :O
      • At least beat kNN baseline! :D

Marking Criteria

  • Resulting Accuracy. (based on Kaggle)
  • Creativity of your idea.
  • Clarity of your report.
    • What makes your result good, and why? and/or,
    • What makes your result unsatisfying, why, and how to improve?

Q & A

Have Fun!